Tuesday, February 26, 2008


The last week of sporadic sunshine has improved my mood immensely. The gray winter skies of november through february churned me into a hard lump of idle matter. I curtailed my inactivity by reading a lot. Now, after absorbing a stack of great literature, I feel a need to produce, so I am going to begin another short story. If I state this publicly, perhaps it will stir me to keep this promise to myself. To further encourage myself, I am going to revise (again) "the" short story, the one I have been sitting on for far too long, and send it out.

I will post a bit of a "teaser" from Gold in Their Arms when I am home from work... and, tara, I will send you the full story to read so that you can give me your honest opinion.

1 comment:

tara said...

can't wait to read it!