Tuesday, March 4, 2008

if pushing a shopping cart through hell and charred babies on a spit can get Oprah's attention, surely I can get published...

what should i expect after reading post-apocalyptic fiction until 1 a.m. but apocalyptic dreams?

I was determined to finish Cormac McCarthy's The Road (mainstream novel soon-to-be mainstream film) last night so that I could begin Atwood's Oryx and Crake. Tonight I am going to see Blade Runner, which I hear is cyber-punk film noir.

My dream last night involved 700-storey buildings, a tsunami, and religious hysteria. All of this dystopian literature is starting to making me slightly paranoid. Any suggestions for my next reading series?


ezmeralda said...

have you discovered zadie smith? "white teeth" was uber popular and what not but "on beauty" is perfect.

Erin said...

Maybe you should follow it up with something fluffy, shiny, and happy? Love stories? Utopias? Human interest stories about chipmunks (or was it a squirrel?) on water skies?

*dalyn said...

HMMM... Cormac McCarthy and Bladerunner. interesting combo for dreams for sure. did you like the movie? its a classic that all should see. book-wise i just finished 'lullabies for little criminals' followed by 'the glass castle' and quite enjoyed both of them. *d

margaret said...

'lullabies for little criminals' is on my to-read list. are you on goodreads? if you aren't, you should be!