Sunday, February 24, 2008

my apartment decor is becoming more and more odd. my stereo is in the fireplace, there are birds over the bathtub, and now i have a drawer hanging on the wall and a picture frame as a bedside table. i like claiming new uses for old objects.

i am going to volunteer with the spca as a small animal cuddler. seriously. i wish i could do it full time.

i watched the sun go down for two hours last night while lying on the beach in front of the cemetery. there was a wedding party drinking champagne and being photographed on the rocks to my left and a man fishing on the rocks to my right. it was all perfectly satisfying.

friday night was ridiculous. one minute i was in my pj's drinking peppermint tea, the next i was shooting whiskey at badd manor and tossing a just-emptied bottle of wine into the bushes on the way downtown. i stole a beer at big bad john's and gave it to my friend and she had to talk her way out of it when the guy came back (forty minutes later) looking for his beer. our friend got cut off so we moved along to the local twenty-something spot, where i proceeded to hit on a twenty-something guy in a kangol hat and thick rimmed glasses who makes salad for a living. not my best moment. the night ended with a walk home in the rain at three am and a cell phone conversation about chopping wood and the fleeting nature of happiness with a friend of a friend. just a low-key night in.


tara said...

oh how i love those random friday nights.

Ben Popik said...

did you take that photo?

margaret said...

yes indeed i did. on saturday.