Tuesday, February 26, 2008

tonight's selection

Blow-Up directed by Michelangelo Antonion

this film was fantastic. i love short stories and films from the sixties. they often embrace the oddities in people that today is passed off as quirkiness. human beings are depicted as hungry, flawed, neurotic, passionate and beautiful. this was an award winning film when it came out in 1966. what mainstream film today would feature mimes as part of everyday life?

The scene in the club with The Yardbirds is damn cool. There is a Bob Dylan poster on the door, which, according to wikipedia, is a reference to the lament of the death of acoustic and rise of electric guitars. I love that Jeff Beck smashes his guitar and everyone goes crazy trying to get a piece of it, then David Hemmings' character leaves the guitar neck in the street and it becomes merely debris.

the party scene near the end is hilarious. everyone is smoking at least one joint and acting like they're doing heroin. hardcore.

Thomas: "I thought you were in Paris?"
Stoned Model: "I am in Paris."


Emanuel Smedbøl said...

i am pleased that i was able to guess it straightaway.

"i watched a really good 60's film last night."

"ummmm... BLOW-UP?"


margaret said...

yeah that made me feel entirely unoriginal! i would rather like to think that you and i are telepathically connected? or maybe it is the only good 60's film you have ever seen?